Ask A Garden Expert
Have a gardening or horticultural question? Ask an Expert! Drop by the Master Gardener Advice Clinic and visit our experts bringing your questions, pictures, and challenges, and they will have you walking away with a number of solutions and ideas.
Master Gardeners of Ontario is a volunteer organization of individuals who are certified horticultural experts providing in depth sustainable gardening information to the general public. Established in 1985, Master Gardeners of Ontario Inc. (MGOI) is an independent non-profit organization, run by volunteers, dedicated to providing accurate and relevant horticultural information to the public.
Etobicoke Master Gardeners (EMG) was formed in January 2005 to support and provide valuable resources to the Etobicoke Gardening Community. EMG members meet at the Kingsway-Lambton United Church the fourth Wednesday of most months from 7 to 10 p.m. EMG comprises 28 active members, Master Gardeners (MG) and Master Gardeners in Training (MGIT), and we welcome inquiries from enthusiastic and interested individuals wishing to learn more about joining our group. Please visit our website at
Mississauga Master Gardeners (MMG) are a small local group of volunteers formed in 1994. We meet the second Tuesday of every month and share a common love for all aspects of gardening, as well as a desire to share our knowledge and expertise on sustainable gardening practices with the community. Our members frequently speak at community events, library meetings, horticulture and gardening shows and are available to do clinics and workshops as requested at special events. Please visit our website at
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