Why Teach Kids To Sew
When you think of the life skills that you want your children to have before they leave your home, you might have a list that looks something like this: balance a cheque book, understand proper budgeting, be able to cook a decent meal, how to save their money, and with some luck possibly preparing their own taxes.
Generations ago, it was not only common but required that children learn the art of sewing and knitting. Clothes were made by hand and mittens were crafted in living rooms not factories. Wouldn’t your child want to create his or her own wardrobe from a bolt of fabric and a spool of thread? There are so many real benefits to investing the time and resources to teaching your child the trick of the handwork sewing and sewing machine use.
Besides the obvious benefit of being able to sew on a button, hem up a new pair of pants, or even construct a new baby gift, handwork sewing and use of a sewing machine provides your children with a creative way to:
*develop and mature their finger dexterity and fine motor skills
*build their self-confidence
*learn how to trace a commercial pattern
*have a social gathering for meeting with friends
You’re on board with your child learning how to sew. But, how do you go about it? Do they even offer sewing classes for kids? Of course! We do at the Toronto School of Sewing. And you have a few viable options when it comes to expanding your child’s knowledge of sewing (one of which is very close to home!).
Teresa Locicero and the staff of Sewing World will be exhibiting at the GTA Home and Reno Show Feb. 15-18 and can help you to find the perfect sewing machine for your needs and budget.